
Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

Ahh... So it has come to an end.  Another 3 day weekend in the books.  Here's a glimpse of my weekend.

Friday night was a boys sleepover, I had 4 y/o Christopher, 3 y/o Mark, 3 y/o Caleb, 2 y/o Michael & 1 y/o Bella.  Lots of work having 5 under 4! And to all you mothers of quintuplets, Lord help you!

Saturday morning breakfast, blueberry pancakes from scratch (thank you The Pioneer Woman for the recipe), turkey bacon & scrambled eggs.
Then we were off to buy Mikey (the cute one with the chubby cheeks in the green shirt) his birthday gift and then for lunch at Chick-Fil-A.

This is when we got the ugly looks, as if I was a nut for having 5 kids.  What happened to the right to be fruitful and multiply, what happened to raising competent future citizens of America, so what if I want to to have 5 kids! I'm the one taking them home, raising them, feeding them etc., save looks of horror for a real tragedy, like.... never mind... There are worse things in life than a lady with five kids! By the way they were angels.  Okay, okay, I'm off my soap box and technically only 3 of them are mine. 

Then we were off to Gabba Land, where everyone but this little fella enjoyed the party. 
 Two of mine are in this one. (below)

 Well after all that excitement we called it a night.
Sunday morning was another celebration!  There were 2 dedications and 4 baptisms! Praise God!
Those two "little one's"up front, never to late to get dedicated!
Then the dunking began.  Both young and old - er, umm, older, elder, mature, well there is just no easy way to say it, a little up there in age. ... wiser! That's the word!  Both young and wiser.  Hmm, still doesn't roll of the tongue very easily.

 Later that evening the festivities continued.  Dinner celebration for the newly baptized.

This is the pea salad I had for the 1st time in my life.  Yum, pretty good and I don't care to much for peas!
 Oh these were great also.  Bacon wrapped jalapeno peppers.  Then again bacon wrapped anything sounds great!
This was also my first time trying a deviled egg... I know I know! What you say? Never had a deviled egg? Nope.  But I will eat it again!
"You don't like them.  So you say.  Try them!  Try them! And you may.  Try them and you may I say."
Sam I Am -Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss
 This has been a recent daily read in my world, unfortunately my books get old and dusty while Dr. Seuss get all the action.

 Today was a slower day, Denny's made my pancakes today, did laundry here and there, a little rest, visit my daddy who is off to Mexico as I type, (please pray for his safety) babies went swimming at grandma and grandpa "pastor's" house.  I spent some time doing school work with Christopher, here is some of his work from today.

Then as the night was winding down and as I peacefully put away laundry it happens.  I hear the thud.  I start running and hear the scream of pain.  I get to Caleb just in time to see he's hurt, on his hands and knees behind the couch.  I quickly carry him into the kitchen, and I see blood.  Oh the thoughts that race through my mind as I yell for Chris to come help.  He hands me napkins and I wipe away to discover a small puncture wound right above his right eye.  

Can I just say I DO NOT LIKE SICK BABIES, I DO NOT LIKE HURT BABIES, AND I DO NOT HANDLE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS WELL.  So what do I do, ask for the phone and call 911 as I put pressure on the "wound" and try to calm him down.  Well the EMT arrive soon enough take one look at it and pull out - A BANDAID.  Yup!  it looks worse than it is, granted it is a puncture but nothing worthy of a staple.  

Lesson of the day: 1. Its better to be safe than sorry.  2. I think its time to sign up for that supplemental accident insurance policy.

Good Night Friends, sleep well. 

Don't forget to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.  This weekend I did a little of both. :)