
Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

Ahh... So it has come to an end.  Another 3 day weekend in the books.  Here's a glimpse of my weekend.

Friday night was a boys sleepover, I had 4 y/o Christopher, 3 y/o Mark, 3 y/o Caleb, 2 y/o Michael & 1 y/o Bella.  Lots of work having 5 under 4! And to all you mothers of quintuplets, Lord help you!

Saturday morning breakfast, blueberry pancakes from scratch (thank you The Pioneer Woman for the recipe), turkey bacon & scrambled eggs.
Then we were off to buy Mikey (the cute one with the chubby cheeks in the green shirt) his birthday gift and then for lunch at Chick-Fil-A.

This is when we got the ugly looks, as if I was a nut for having 5 kids.  What happened to the right to be fruitful and multiply, what happened to raising competent future citizens of America, so what if I want to to have 5 kids! I'm the one taking them home, raising them, feeding them etc., save looks of horror for a real tragedy, like.... never mind... There are worse things in life than a lady with five kids! By the way they were angels.  Okay, okay, I'm off my soap box and technically only 3 of them are mine. 

Then we were off to Gabba Land, where everyone but this little fella enjoyed the party. 
 Two of mine are in this one. (below)

 Well after all that excitement we called it a night.
Sunday morning was another celebration!  There were 2 dedications and 4 baptisms! Praise God!
Those two "little one's"up front, never to late to get dedicated!
Then the dunking began.  Both young and old - er, umm, older, elder, mature, well there is just no easy way to say it, a little up there in age. ... wiser! That's the word!  Both young and wiser.  Hmm, still doesn't roll of the tongue very easily.

 Later that evening the festivities continued.  Dinner celebration for the newly baptized.

This is the pea salad I had for the 1st time in my life.  Yum, pretty good and I don't care to much for peas!
 Oh these were great also.  Bacon wrapped jalapeno peppers.  Then again bacon wrapped anything sounds great!
This was also my first time trying a deviled egg... I know I know! What you say? Never had a deviled egg? Nope.  But I will eat it again!
"You don't like them.  So you say.  Try them!  Try them! And you may.  Try them and you may I say."
Sam I Am -Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss
 This has been a recent daily read in my world, unfortunately my books get old and dusty while Dr. Seuss get all the action.

 Today was a slower day, Denny's made my pancakes today, did laundry here and there, a little rest, visit my daddy who is off to Mexico as I type, (please pray for his safety) babies went swimming at grandma and grandpa "pastor's" house.  I spent some time doing school work with Christopher, here is some of his work from today.

Then as the night was winding down and as I peacefully put away laundry it happens.  I hear the thud.  I start running and hear the scream of pain.  I get to Caleb just in time to see he's hurt, on his hands and knees behind the couch.  I quickly carry him into the kitchen, and I see blood.  Oh the thoughts that race through my mind as I yell for Chris to come help.  He hands me napkins and I wipe away to discover a small puncture wound right above his right eye.  

Can I just say I DO NOT LIKE SICK BABIES, I DO NOT LIKE HURT BABIES, AND I DO NOT HANDLE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS WELL.  So what do I do, ask for the phone and call 911 as I put pressure on the "wound" and try to calm him down.  Well the EMT arrive soon enough take one look at it and pull out - A BANDAID.  Yup!  it looks worse than it is, granted it is a puncture but nothing worthy of a staple.  

Lesson of the day: 1. Its better to be safe than sorry.  2. I think its time to sign up for that supplemental accident insurance policy.

Good Night Friends, sleep well. 

Don't forget to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.  This weekend I did a little of both. :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to School

Tomorrow marks a very important day for most families in the metroplex.  Its the first day of school.  What was that I heard? A sigh of relief, a shot of joy, a hallelujah?  I guess the dog days of summer have come to a close and so has another chapter in your child's life.

Think about that.  Regardless of when their birthday is tomorrow they are "unofficially" a year older.  Now they are entering another grade level.  Maybe graduating to Jr. High, High School, maybe your baby is off to college!  Or if you are like me, your first born is starting Pre-K.  (Well its not official yet I have an appointment at the school tomorrow.)  Nevertheless, it is a pivotal point in your child's, as well as your life.

You've completed the enrollment documentation, bought the school supplies, taken them shopping, gotten hair cuts, gone over the bus schedule, and probably even ironed their clothes (just this one time).  Maybe you have already made their lunch for tomorrow or thought about what would be the quickest breakfast to make as you get them ready and on their way out the door.  You camera is sitting on the counter as a reminder to snap a quick shot of your precious on their big day.  Backpacks ready for books, freshly sharpened pencils in their pencil case, squeaky clean tennis shoes, colorful headbands or hair bows, fresh new socks and underwear.  (Why is that? Do they really need new undies for their first day of school? Apparently so.)  You've thought of everything mom (or dad, or both of you) and are hoping you didn't forget anything!  The kids have all bathed and are in bed.  All that's left is one last run down the mental check list before you are off to dreamland yourself.

But wait.  Are you forgetting something?

I don't mean to alarm you but it is imperative that I bring this up, in case you have forgotten.

Have you forgotten to pray for them?

Let just pause and do that.

Yes I mean it literally.

Stop what you are doing, oh wait don't stop reading.... stop all the other stuff.  Lets take a minute to run down the list.  Ready?

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you in Jesus' name, and I pray for my son/daughter ______________ (insert child/children's name).   Thank you for blessing me with this child.  Your Word says that every good gift comes from you, and I know you have given me this child to raise with your help.  I place my child in Your hands, and I pray that you would protect him/her from harm.  Help him/her to feel loved and accepted not just by me and his/her father/mother but also to know that he/she is accepted by you also.  May he/she be secure in his/her faith.  Help him/her to resist temptation when faced with questionable decisions and peer pressure. I pray his/her heart will remain pure and that he/she will reject sexual immorality.  May he/she be the friend to the friendless and help to defend the weak or outcast.  Let this year be a year of spiritual growth and huger for you in his/her life.  May he/she have a teachable spirit and a desire to learn.  I pray for protection from sickness, disease and injury.   Help him/her to see the gifts and talents you have given him/her and how to use them to bless others.

More specifically Lord we pray for ___(name of school(s))___, and all the teacher's, principal and staff at this school.  Provide them with patience for the long and challenging days, for discernment to see the heart of the matter, and for joy for the days they feel weary.  Give them courage to be good examples and leaders to our child(ren) and a will and determination to see our son/daughter succeed.  

We ask all these things in the name of your son Jesus Christ.

Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.
Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children.
Lamentations 2:19
Other Scripture References:
Do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.  
Ephesians 6:4
My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother; for they will be graceful ornaments on your head, and chains about your neck.  
Proverbs 1:8-9

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.
Psalm 1:1

Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.  
Proverbs 3:3-4

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
 Mark 11:24 
I pray blessing to you and your loved ones and am looking forward to seeing those first day of school pictures on FB/Twitter.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Red Hot Dating my Husband

So you're married, have a couple or three or four or more kiddo's running around, how do you make time for red hot dating in marriage?

Impossible you say! I have no money, no time, no interest, and very little red hot left in me - I used it all on the last baby!  TMI? Sorry to make you blush.

I disagree! Wholeheartedly.  I have 3 kiddos myself, remember, Christopher 4, Caleb 3, Bella 1.
I KNOW the everyday routine that goes on in your house.  It happens in homes across America, everyday in slightly varied ways of course. 

Pick one or several as they apply to your life:

I have a husband (which is kinda the point we are talking red hot dating in marriage).
I have 1 or more children.
I work in the home (Yes,  if you work in the home that is a full time job, long hours, not many days off, little to no pay, etc you get the point and if you disagree well that's another blog for another day).
I work out of the home (full time or part time).
I am a mini-van mom.
I am a short order cook.
I have daily chores, which include but are not limited to: laundry, homework, cooking, cleaning, not to mention picking up after the rugrats.  Did I just call your kiddos rugrats? I mean angels, beautiful, precious God given little beings put on this earth to test our faith, test our patience, test our marriage and sometimes even test our sanity!

OK, so you get my point.

Let me show you a day in my life. Just for gins and giggles. 

6:30am Alarm goes off. Hit the snooze.
6:35am Alarm goes off. Hit the snooze.
6:40am Alarm goes off. Throw it out the window! Not really but I would if I could.  Drag myself out of bed.  Say a quick prayer, while looking for something to wear in the dark, don't want to wake the kids who managed to sneak into my bed, again. Ouch, no wonder my back hurts.
6:45am Stumble into the kitchen.  I NEED coffee!
7:00am  What it's 7:00! Make my cup of coffee, load 3 babies in the car (with the help of Mr. Red Hot). Say good bye, I love you, have a great day, be careful (all in one breath) while running out the door and jumping in the car.  Oh no! I forgot the diaper bag and my coffee!  Run back in the house get my coffee, get the diaper bag, and we are off.
7:15am Pull up to my mom's house.  Unload three sleepy, babies who all want the privilege of being carried in the front door. Lots of kisses for demanding little people who want food, right now.  Tia Ruby can feed them.
7:30am Back on the road.  Ah, quiet time just me, my thoughts and my favorite station.
8:00am Made it on time! Yay me!
8:00am - 1:00p work, work, work....
1:00 Break for lunch, or not.  To busy. I have to eat at my desk.  Thank God I brought my leftover - oops I forgot my leftovers, again! Gotta go get a quick lunch.  Hmm, what about dinner? Oh no I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer, again.  Maybe I can squeeze in a quick stop at the grocery store. what do I make? Let me ask Mr. Red Hot.  No answer.  Redial. No answer. Well tostadas it is.  That's enough to feed a crew, let me invite my in laws.  OK dinner confirmed. Run into the grocery store. Mr. Red Hot calls.  Hi, how's it going? Yeah OK. Gotta load the groceries. Tostadas for dinner.  I invited your parents. Love you, Bye. What time is it? Just enough time to stop at the drive-thru and eat as I drive back to work.  Back at the office, unload groceries, transfer to work fridge.  Oh no I forgot the beans! Call Mr. RH.  Bring home the beans. Thanks, bye.

This is just half the day, ladies you know all the other "stuff" that goes on from lunch to bedtime.... You fill in the blanks with your nights....

Not exactly the picture of Romance? When you fall into bed at night you probably aren't feeling all that Red Hot or Romantic.  More like worn out and exhausted.

So where exactly do we fit in the Red Hot Romance when we can barley make it through the day? Ladies, if we want to have Red Hot Dating in marriage we have to be intentional.  Plan it out.  Prioritize our spouse.  Say no to the extras that keep us from one of our most valuable relationships. 

There are plenty of ways to work it out.  Kid swap, grandma and grandpa. Lunch break min-dates.  Come on women be creative.  I know you are probably wondering why I'm asking us to do all the work.  Just think what starting the flames can do.  One small spark might just revive your marriage.  Are you willing to try?  What do you have to loose? I challenge you to date your husbands ladies and enjoy it!   

Laugh together, hug, hold hands, kiss in public or not if you are the bashful type! Reignite the passion in your marriage. Remember quality is key.  Don't go breaking the bank, its not necessary.  

God has blessed us with the privilege of being married.  I pray you find the Red Hot in your marriage, and when you do don't let that flame fade! Let your marriage be an example of the love and passion that God created it to be.  No, not every date will be red and hot some might be pink and warm but the consistent investment in your marriage is worth every effort you put in it! 

Proverbs 18:22
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.

Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth— for your love is more delightful than wine. 
Song of Solomon 2:16
My lover is mine, and I am his.
Song of Solomon 8:6
Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
Song of Solomon 8:7
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.
 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...

Valentines Day 2012 celebrating 17 years of dating

He can still make me smile!

Blessings to all you love birds! I'd love to hear some of your favorite date stories.  It will bring my heart such joy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mom's Legacy of Grace

Hi y'all!  Let me first welcome you to my new and hopefully improved blog!  Truth be told I couldn't log in to my old one. Long story. No I don't want to talk about it.  So to all my readers, Welcome!  Welcome with a big Texas drawl.  Maybe I should be saying Howdy... OK, OK going to far... Since I'm somewhat bi-lingual how about Hola!  I think you get the point!  I love exclamation points! Can you tell?  They express joy, happiness, excitement, etc.  I am excited to start this blogging journey and I'm glad to have you join me! (Again with the exclamation points.)

So today we (my sisters & I) were going through some of moms stuff, and one of my sisters came across a survey that my mom had taken back who knows when.  For those who don't know its been 2 weeks and a day since my mom passed.  She had stage 4 liver cancer.  It was almost 3 months to the day that she passed from the time she was diagnosed.  So it was sudden.  

Back to my story.  So I look at the survey and start reading the questions out loud.  
      Survey Questions of Natural Talents, Abilities and Skills
      Question one: Write down three reasons as to why you were hired?
      Mom's answer: House clean, some body recommended me

      Question: Why do you work? If you don't what would you do?
      Mom's answer: I Like iT  I nid iT To  

Now I must tell you, Mom didn't have much of an education, growing up poor she worked at a young age and never graduated from high school. She only previously attended school in Mexico, so she never quite got the English language.  She loved to read which helped improve her vocabulary and comprehension.  Mom spoke and wrote Spanglish, a beautiful fusion of Spanish and English.   

Back to my story.  I kept reading question after question and stopped at this one.

      Question: What have you always dreamed of contributing to the world?
      Mom's answer: Dejar un testimonio de mi en escrito y ber alludar espiritualmente a los enfermos del alma. 
      Translation: To leave a written testimony of my life and to have been able to help spiritually those who are sick in their souls. 
     Question: Looking back on your life, what are some of your major contributions?
     Mom's answer: Helping people to change for the positive

     Question: When people think of you what might they say are your most outstanding characteristics?
     Mom's Answer:  Prayerful person, love to give of myself

One last question.
       Question:  What do you want most from your life?
      Mom's Answer: Happiness, peace, love and love for God

I wanted to share this with you because it brought me great joy to read this.  I knew this about my mom.  I knew she loved the Lord, was a giver, never asked for much, loved to help others in need.  Seeing it on paper gave me a peace that she knew that about herself.  You see mom may never have left a written testimony of her life but yet here I am writing about her testimony for her.  Mom wanted to help the spiritually sick, those who need Jesus.  So I'm here writing to you about the God she loved so dearly.  

I believe my mom knew her purpose in life and she lived it fully.  Mom was a simple woman, never flashy, never held tightly to material thing because she knew the value of those items in light of eternity.  She had a heavenly perspective and the heart of God.  A heart that helped others in need, that freely shared the Gospel of Christ and salvation, a heart that loved others.  She had peace and purpose.  The world and Hollywood might think her life was of little significance because her picture never made it on a billboard, she never starred in a movie, never earned millions of dollars, but she knew her value in God's eyes.  Do you?

Proverbs 31: 10-31
10 [b]A wife of noble character who can find?
    She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
    bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
    and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
    and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Mom was this kind of woman.  And I call her blessed!

Acts 20:24  So that I may finish my race with joy.... to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.  

Mom finished her race on August 31, 2012 with joy - the joy of the Lord and she is and will continue to be a testimony of the gospel of God's grace.