
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Red Hot Dating my Husband

So you're married, have a couple or three or four or more kiddo's running around, how do you make time for red hot dating in marriage?

Impossible you say! I have no money, no time, no interest, and very little red hot left in me - I used it all on the last baby!  TMI? Sorry to make you blush.

I disagree! Wholeheartedly.  I have 3 kiddos myself, remember, Christopher 4, Caleb 3, Bella 1.
I KNOW the everyday routine that goes on in your house.  It happens in homes across America, everyday in slightly varied ways of course. 

Pick one or several as they apply to your life:

I have a husband (which is kinda the point we are talking red hot dating in marriage).
I have 1 or more children.
I work in the home (Yes,  if you work in the home that is a full time job, long hours, not many days off, little to no pay, etc you get the point and if you disagree well that's another blog for another day).
I work out of the home (full time or part time).
I am a mini-van mom.
I am a short order cook.
I have daily chores, which include but are not limited to: laundry, homework, cooking, cleaning, not to mention picking up after the rugrats.  Did I just call your kiddos rugrats? I mean angels, beautiful, precious God given little beings put on this earth to test our faith, test our patience, test our marriage and sometimes even test our sanity!

OK, so you get my point.

Let me show you a day in my life. Just for gins and giggles. 

6:30am Alarm goes off. Hit the snooze.
6:35am Alarm goes off. Hit the snooze.
6:40am Alarm goes off. Throw it out the window! Not really but I would if I could.  Drag myself out of bed.  Say a quick prayer, while looking for something to wear in the dark, don't want to wake the kids who managed to sneak into my bed, again. Ouch, no wonder my back hurts.
6:45am Stumble into the kitchen.  I NEED coffee!
7:00am  What it's 7:00! Make my cup of coffee, load 3 babies in the car (with the help of Mr. Red Hot). Say good bye, I love you, have a great day, be careful (all in one breath) while running out the door and jumping in the car.  Oh no! I forgot the diaper bag and my coffee!  Run back in the house get my coffee, get the diaper bag, and we are off.
7:15am Pull up to my mom's house.  Unload three sleepy, babies who all want the privilege of being carried in the front door. Lots of kisses for demanding little people who want food, right now.  Tia Ruby can feed them.
7:30am Back on the road.  Ah, quiet time just me, my thoughts and my favorite station.
8:00am Made it on time! Yay me!
8:00am - 1:00p work, work, work....
1:00 Break for lunch, or not.  To busy. I have to eat at my desk.  Thank God I brought my leftover - oops I forgot my leftovers, again! Gotta go get a quick lunch.  Hmm, what about dinner? Oh no I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer, again.  Maybe I can squeeze in a quick stop at the grocery store. what do I make? Let me ask Mr. Red Hot.  No answer.  Redial. No answer. Well tostadas it is.  That's enough to feed a crew, let me invite my in laws.  OK dinner confirmed. Run into the grocery store. Mr. Red Hot calls.  Hi, how's it going? Yeah OK. Gotta load the groceries. Tostadas for dinner.  I invited your parents. Love you, Bye. What time is it? Just enough time to stop at the drive-thru and eat as I drive back to work.  Back at the office, unload groceries, transfer to work fridge.  Oh no I forgot the beans! Call Mr. RH.  Bring home the beans. Thanks, bye.

This is just half the day, ladies you know all the other "stuff" that goes on from lunch to bedtime.... You fill in the blanks with your nights....

Not exactly the picture of Romance? When you fall into bed at night you probably aren't feeling all that Red Hot or Romantic.  More like worn out and exhausted.

So where exactly do we fit in the Red Hot Romance when we can barley make it through the day? Ladies, if we want to have Red Hot Dating in marriage we have to be intentional.  Plan it out.  Prioritize our spouse.  Say no to the extras that keep us from one of our most valuable relationships. 

There are plenty of ways to work it out.  Kid swap, grandma and grandpa. Lunch break min-dates.  Come on women be creative.  I know you are probably wondering why I'm asking us to do all the work.  Just think what starting the flames can do.  One small spark might just revive your marriage.  Are you willing to try?  What do you have to loose? I challenge you to date your husbands ladies and enjoy it!   

Laugh together, hug, hold hands, kiss in public or not if you are the bashful type! Reignite the passion in your marriage. Remember quality is key.  Don't go breaking the bank, its not necessary.  

God has blessed us with the privilege of being married.  I pray you find the Red Hot in your marriage, and when you do don't let that flame fade! Let your marriage be an example of the love and passion that God created it to be.  No, not every date will be red and hot some might be pink and warm but the consistent investment in your marriage is worth every effort you put in it! 

Proverbs 18:22
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.

Song of Solomon 1:2
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth— for your love is more delightful than wine. 
Song of Solomon 2:16
My lover is mine, and I am his.
Song of Solomon 8:6
Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
Song of Solomon 8:7
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.
 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...

Valentines Day 2012 celebrating 17 years of dating

He can still make me smile!

Blessings to all you love birds! I'd love to hear some of your favorite date stories.  It will bring my heart such joy!

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